
In addition to client work (which is private or public, depending on the client’s needs), Mentea staff do other work that is publicly available, much of which is also open source.


The slides or handouts from many of the talks and tutorials given at conferences around the world are available either from the conference website or from here.

XML London, June 2015

XML Summer School 2014, September 2014

  • Technical Aspects of Document Production – Explored technical aspects of getting your documents into XML and then out the other side as print, EPUB, or web content. Also covered recent changes in the landscape of standards affecting digital publishing, styling, and pagination.

Balisage 2014, August 2014

JATS-Con 2014, April 2014

XML Prague 2014, March 2014

  • XSLT 3.0 testbed – reporting on results so far for the XSLT 3.0 testbed project.
  • Print and Page Layout Community Group @ W3C – Update on the activities of the Print and Page Layout Community Group (PPL CG) at W3C and demonstrations of the XSLT extension functions developed by the CG for running an XSL-FO formatter from within the XSLT transformation to make decisions based on sizes of formatted areas.

XML Summer School, September 2013

  • Is there life after libXSLT 1? – following on from conversations with Lauren Wood and Matt Patterson at Balisage 2013, this lightning talk in the “unconferennce” session discusses the state of XSLT 2.0 processors and presents some possible alternatives for the successor to libXSLT 1.0 as the XSLT processor used in language bindings and web browsers.

XML Summer School, September 2012

  • XML and Publishing Workflows – XML as source, hub, and target for a workflow. Also shows Shakespeare’s First Folio Tragedy of Julius Caesar rendered from TEI, DocBook, and DITA.
  • Developing and Testing in XSLT – Presented with Jeni Tennison, the state of the art in testing and debugging XSLT and XQuery and how test-driven development applies to XSLT and XQuery development. In particular, we focus on the use of the XSpec testing framework.

MultilingualWeb Workshop, March 2012

XML Prague 2012

XML Summer School 2011

XML Prague 2011

XML Prague 2010

XML-In-Practice 2009

XML Prague 2009

XTech 2008

XML 2007

XTech 2007


Mentea staff have been involved with XSLT since 1998.

Testing XSLT

Mentea has a long-standing interest in facilitating the testing of XSLT stylesheets. In addition to the testing-related talks listed above, Mentea maintains information about testing XSLT and Mentea staff is involved in multiple open-source XSLT testing efforts.

  •  Testing XSLT – Summary of tools and techniques for testing XSLT
  •  XSpec – Tony Graham is a committer on the XSpec testing framework for testing XSLT
  •  Juxy – Tony Graham is a project owner for the Juxy testing framework for testing XSLT

xslide XSL Mode for Emacs

xslide has been described by a user as “one of the greatest packages ever”.

xslide development happens at the Trac for the xslide SourceForge project at


Tony Graham is a developer on the  Xcruciate all-XSLT server project.

XSLT Blog Posts

A range of blog posts related to XSLT usage and testing is available at


Mentea staff have also been involved with XSL-FO since 1998, since there was no separation between transformation and formatting at that time.

XSL 1.1 Properties

The XSL 1.1 Properties quick reference crams all the properties, their values, and their defaults into two A4 pages and is useful when you just want to know the allowed value of a particular property. When printed, it works best when the pages flip along the long edge, and when viewed online, the property names link to their definitions in the XSL 1.1 spec.

xmlroff XSL Formatter

xmlroff ( is a fast, free, high-quality, multi-platform XSL formatter that aims to excel at DocBook formatting and that integrates easily with other programs and with scripting languages.

Tony Graham is the architect and main developer of xmlroff.

Testing XSL-FO

Mentea maintains on  online resource of information about testing XSL-FO.

One of the resources it covers is the  xmlroff testing module, which works with any command-line XSL formatter, not just with xmlroff.

XSL-FO Blog Posts

Blog posts related to XSL-FO usage, current spec status, xmlroff, etc. are available at


But wait, there‘s more!

stf – Schematron Testing Framework

A test suite for Schematron ordinarily contains many instances of contexts where a Schematron assert is expected to fail or a report to be successful. But if you apply a newly-written Schematron to a large or complex set of source XML documents, how can you be sure your Schematron tests work as expected? How can you separate the expected results from the unexpected?.

stf is a XProc pipeline for use in testing your Schematron before you use it in production. It uses a processing instruction in each of a set of (typically, small) test documents that indicates the expected 'assert's and 'report's to winnow out the expected result and report just the unexpected. Any unexpected results when run on the test documents means your Schematron isn't behaving as expected.

The open source code for stf is available on GitHub at

tdtd Emacs mode

tdtd is an Emacs major mode for editing XML and SGML DTDs.

The tdtd home page is at, and you can check out the latest code from GitHub.