Associations with other consultants indicates both the respect with which Mentea is held within the industry and the capacity of Mentea to call on additional help for large or highly specialised projects.
XML Guild
“The XML Guild is a consortium of some of the best independent XML consultants in the world. Our members have extensive experience in XML and markup technologies. We are involved in the establishment of standards and best practices. We are authors of numerous books, articles and papers, and are well-known presenters and speakers.”
Tony Graham was a member of the XML Guild, and Mentea was an affiliated company. As he was a previous member, Tony Graham is now a Friend of the XML Guild.
Mulberry Technologies
“Mulberry Technologies, Inc., is an XML and SGML consultancy specializing in applications that have a text design, processing, interchange, or display component.”
Tony Graham was an associate of Mulberry Technologies, and Mentea frequently worked with Mulberry